Are you looking for DBT Skills, but you already have a therapist? No sweat! We’ve got you covered!

Our Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Groups offer a supportive and structured environment where you can learn practical strategies to improve your quality of life, while seeing your current therapist.

Why Join Our DBT Skills Groups?

  1. Effective Skills Training: DBT Skills Groups are based on evidence-based practices proven to help individuals develop coping skills, regulate emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships. Our groups provide a comprehensive curriculum designed to address a wide range of challenges.

  2. Supportive Community: In our DBT Skills Groups, you'll be surrounded by individuals who understand and support you on your journey toward personal growth. Group members share experiences, offer encouragement, and learn from each other's perspectives in a safe and nonjudgmental space.

  3. Professional Guidance: Our groups are led by experienced clinicians trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. They provide expert guidance, support, and feedback throughout the group sessions to help you integrate the skills into your daily life effectively.

How to Join Our DBT Skills Groups:

If you're interested in joining our DBT Skills Groups, here's how to get started:

  1. Speak with Your Therapist: Let your therapist know that you're interested in participating in DBT Skills Groups. They can provide you with information about DBT and help you determine if it's a good fit for your needs.

  2. Complete the Intake Process: Once you've expressed interest, our team will guide you through the intake process, which may include filling out a brief questionnaire or scheduling an intake appointment to assess your goals and readiness for group participation.

  3. Attend Group Sessions: Upon completing the intake process, you'll be invited to attend our DBT Skills Groups. Whether you choose to participate virtually or in person, you'll have the opportunity to learn valuable skills, connect with others, and make progress toward your personal goals.