DBT Videos

We have created some short videos to help illustrate a few of the skills we teach and practice in our sessions.

DBT Skills Overview

We created this video as a quick intro to the 4 main modules, or categories, of skills we teach in our skills classes.  These skills are well researched and have been shown to improve depression, anxiety, trauma symptoms and impulsivity.

What is Emotion Regulation?

Emotion Regulation means having the ability to experience an emotion without being overwhelmed, controlled, or consumed by it. Emotion regulation skills start with understanding emotions and then continue with learning ways of honoring or modifying them. It is the wisdom to know when to let emotions change you and when to change emotions.

Distress Tolerance Distraction Skills

Distraction is the art of taking a break from thoughts, conditions, or urges that cause problems.  The trick to distraction is to not let it turn into avoidance.  We come back from distractions once the emotion is tolerable so we can solve the problem that caused the emotion in the first place.

Emotion Regulation: The S.T.O.P. Skill

Sometimes we are so upset that we react impulsively instead of responding thoughtfully to a problem. The STOP skill is the skill necessary to get to a place of problem-solving instead of problem-creation. 1) Stop what you are doing; 2) Take a step back and breathe; 3) Observe the situation non-judgmentally; 4) Proceed mindfully.

Distress Tolerance: Self-Soothe Skills

The ability to use all 5 senses to reduce emotional intensity is an excellent coping tool. Here are some ideas for practicing this skills daily so your emotional baseline can be more consistent.