Posts in Borderline
Tolerating Overwhelming Emotions

Sometimes emotions are overwhelming because the circumstances, mood or relationship issue is so powerful.  When a loved one dies, your client feels overwhelming grief.  In time, the grief diminishes.  Other times, the intensity of the emotion is greater than the trigger warrants (e.g., a child spills a glass of milk and mom goes into a rage). Most of the time, our client’s emotions are complex.  Story-telling, over-interpretation and ruminative thoughts trigger an overwhelming emotional response (and vice versa).  

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What Makes Borderline Personality Disorder So Challenging?

Battle lines are drawn in her head each side ready to attack the other at a moment’s notice.  On one side, her inner critic waits not-so-patiently to judge. Her inner critic judges harshly when she ridicules her best friend or takes a stranger home from the bar, when she cuts or quits yet another job after a month.  To the inner critic in her head, the list to be judged is seemingly endless. 

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Borderline Can Be Treated!

Despite decades of research, there are still many who believe Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is untreatable. Nothing could be further from the truth. Over the years, I have experienced firsthand the resilience (accompanied by the occasional resistance) of people in the face of serious BPD and difficult life situations.  And I have seen firsthand how effective DBT can be when clients are committed to obtaining the mindful awareness and skills needed to create a life worth living.

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