Is Your Loved One Overcontrolled?

  • Do they have rigid ideas about how you and others should act or respond?

  • Do they have difficulty being spontaneous?

  • Do they share very little about their emotions, find it hard to express emotions, or fear vulnerablity?

  • Do they lack appropriate assertiveness or the ability to state clearly their opinions?

  • Do they have a tendancy to explode out of nowhere? (We call this emotional leakage — the emotions stay bottled up until they erupt)

Families And Loved Ones Of People In Treatment For Anxiety, OCD, or Autism Spectrum disorder Often Need Support Themselves.

Understanding overcontrolled coping and its origins can create a harmonious home and may increase prosocial communication for all parties. Learning the skills your loved one with OCD or anxiety is (or could be) learning in therapy is incredibly valuable in order to model, coach, reinforce, and support them in creating behavioral change.

In this group, we strive to help families and friends of people with overcontrolled coping better understand the rigidity and empower them to support their loved ones in helpful ways.

Our 6-week class is here to empower you through education and research surrounding Radically Open Dialiectal Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) and how RO DBT skills can help you to help your loved one.

Next Class Starts Tuesday, July 23nd

All meetings are virtual via secure Zoom Platform, Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30PM CST, starting July 23rd, running for 6 weeks.

Cost Of Course

  • $25 registration fee to reserve your spot and process your registration.

  • Participants are enrolling in an 6 week course and payment will be collected even if a session is not attended.

  • $50/session for each person attending

What Will I Learn From This Class?

  • Understand RO DBT and Overcontrolled Coping: where it comes from and how Overcontrolled brains work differently.

  • Mindfulness: Exploring its role in connecting with others, being present, and having fun.

  • Deepening Friendships: Exploring how RO DBT improves social connectedness

  • Activating social safety: How to help your loved one get into an open state of mind