Just for Therapists MBCT
Registration Contact Form
Participant Agreements
I commit to attend all ten sessions, a full day Saturday retreat and three individual consultations for a total of 13 sessions over 10 weeks. I understand that each session builds on previous sessions and that any absence affects my progress and the quality of other participants’ experience.
I commit to do home practice daily between classes. Practice includes meditation doing one activity mindfully, noticing a different type of thought and noticing gratitude daily between sessions. Home practice will require about 20 minutes a day six days a week. I understand progress hinges on regular practice.
I understand that in-class practice exercises may on occasion cause emotional discomfort. I understand therapists will minimize emotional discomfort as much as possible but I accept that some discomfort may be unavoidable and useful.
If applicable, I certify that other mental health providers I see are aware of my intent to participate in an Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy class and support my participation.
If under psychiatric care, I commit to continue under care and follow treatment recommendations throughout the 10 weeks of the class.
I have a working computer or device with access to high-speed internet, working camera, speaker and microphone. I understand classes will be conducted using Zoom.
I give St. Louis DBT, LLC permission to bill my credit or debit card for the cost of $625 (Register by June 1) or $925 (Register after September 10) prorated and billed in 11 weekly installments, which includes 10 weekly sessions, an full day retreat and three individual consultations.
I agree that I will provide a credit or debit card details via the St Louis DBT client portal and a signed authorization to charge the card weekly for 11 weeks. Credit or debit card details will be saved in St Louis DBT, LLC’s secure and private electronic management system, TheraNest.
I understand that I am purchasing a full course and agree to pay the prorated weekly fee, even for sessions I do not attend (similar to a class in a university setting). St. Louis DBT, LLC will bill me for absences and cancellations for any reason. I understand no exceptions will be made.