Now Hiring

Part-time or Full-time DBT Therapists (3-40 hours/week)

STLDBT accepts applications and regularly expands staff as we experience steady growth.  We are always looking for experienced DBT therapists or therapists passionate about learning and practicing DBT to join our team.  Applicants for these positions must be licensed mental health professionals or provisionally licensed social workers (LMSWs), ideally foundationally trained in DBT and, preferrably have at least 1 year of applicable DBT experience.  Applicants with less than 1 year of DBT experience are encouraged to participate in our DBT Training Program.

*LMSWs are strongly encouraged to apply. Supervision is provided as well as excellent training and benefits.

** We will also accept non-DBT clinicians to see clients who are not seeking DBT therapy or who are in Stage 2 of DBT (trauma processing).


St. Louis DBT is dedicated to the effective and adherent dissemination of DBT and other evidence-based therapies to the St. Louis community and beyond (thanks to Telehealth). Our therapists are each firmly committed to that mission.  

Our therapists may be a full-time employee with benefits or a 1099 contractor, choosing to retain their outside private practice and see our clients on a contractual basis.  The benefits of this arrangement include flexibility, autonomy, ongoing training and support, extra income, and simplicity.


STLDBT therapists see anywhere from 3-20 clients and 1-2 groups per week, depending on their chosen schedule.  Some clinicians work part-time and want enough hours to achieve their income goals. Some want to see just a few clients that fit their specializations better than their 9-5 job. For others, working for STLDBT is a full-time gig that helps them step toward private practice, financial freedom, and autonomous employment goals.


Most STLDBT therapists are independent contractors.  This means other than contractual obligations to provide adherent DBT therapy, there is less oversight and more autonomy to set your own schedules and create your own limits. Employees, on the other hand benefit from a more structured and supportive approach to supervision and service provision — great for the new clinician or someone not interested in establishing their own practice or business.

Ongoing Training and Support

STLDBT’s founder and CEO, Casey Limmer, is a certified DBT therapist. She has taught Applied Behavior Therapy, DBT and CBT courses at Washington University.  As a team, she and other contractors share their vast experience and knowledge to continuously train and support one another.  In addition to DBT consult team meetings, contractors and employees are encouraged to attend additional DBT and evidence-based therapy trainings to learn new skills or refresh old ones. Funding for these additional trainings is provided.

Excellent Income Opportunities

Contractors are paid bi-weekly based on a percentage of fees collected for services they render.  Percentage split is based on experience, certification, and several other factors. With a constant flow of incoming clientele, full-time clinicians have the opportunity to make 6 figures. Therapists who prefer income stability and predictability can choose the employee route which comes with a steady and competitive salary and benefits.


At STLDBT, we try to keep the paperwork to a minimum and spend our time focused on our clients.  Therapists have the choice to accept (become credentialed or ‘paneled’) or not accept insurance (self-pay clients only).  We do not answer to grant providers.  We do not provide testimony or go to court. We provide effective therapy to our clients and support each other as we do it.  Simple as that.

Ready to join up? Check to see if you meet our qualifications!

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Counselor, Psychologist or equivalent preferred, though we do also have opportunities for clinically-proficient provisionally licensed social workers (LMSW) as well

  • Completed or willing and able to complete a 2-day introduction training in DBT (preference will be given to those with intensive training or training in doing DBT in individual therapy) — Additional and ongoing training will be provided

  • Read all DBT manuals by Marsha Linehan and Doing DBT by Kelly Koerner (or willing to do so prior to employment start date)

  • Preferred - at least 1 year of DBT experience working with at least 3 individual clients and 1 round of skills group facilitation or co-leading

  • On a DBT consult team or willing and able to join our team and attend weekly

  • Non-DBT Therapists will be considered, as long as there is a specialization and training or certification in an evidence-based modality.

Sound like a match so far?  Click the button to apply!