When experiencing emotional reactions, self-control is the goal for most people. Basically, we don’t want to make a scene AND we don’t be a doormat or in denial either. We want to express ourselves clearly, appropriately, and effectively.
If you have a ridgid or over-controlled coping style, you may find comfort in the routine, while spontaneity feels foriegn or wreckless. You may be the person everyone can rely on in a crisis, but when the crisis is happening to you, reaching out for help can seem reckless or even impossible.
Over-Controlled folks have a tendancy to suffer in silence. Their ridgid thinking may weigh them down and limit their life experiences or their relationships. At its worst, it can cause problems found in folks with OCD, anorexia, or social anxiety.
If self-control has tipped the scales into extreme over-control in your life and you would like to learn skills for being more open and spontaneous, improving relationships, and reducing the impact of perfectionism and rigidity on your life, click the button below to learn more about Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT).